The last flute player

The last flute player

MINDAT, Chin State

Yaw Shen, who is in her 90s, is one of the last known masters of the nose flute in this part of Myanmar's Chin State.

She has dressed especially for the performance in traditional clothing, with a cluster of bright beads at her ears. 

Her face is shaded by the weathered tattoos that were once etched in a stark pattern on her skin and her age weighs on her as she steps carefully across the room.

But once she has taken her place and has her flute in hand, she flashes a lively grin for the tourists who have gathered here to listen to her music.    

Yaw Shen

Yaw Shen, who moved to Mindat town about 30 years ago, was taught to play this unusual instrument by her mother - in her M’Gaan tribe only women played.

She tried to pass the skill on to her daughter, but says the “new generation does not want to practice”, prompting a laugh from her friend Hon Shen.


Hon Shen

Younger people have shown little interest in taking up the flute - played by breathing strongly and steadily through the nose - but visitors are drawn to the genial lady who is the last known master of this unusual instrument.  

Yaw Shen plays for tourists “sometimes three times a day” to help bring a little money in for the family, but in the rainy season only around two groups visit every month.