
A few words from some of our fellows on how the Kite Tales have helped them.

"This grant provides me with many opportunities to continue working as a journalist. This is because during this period, when we have to work surreptitiously, our incomes are quite low. It’s the truth that the salary I receive from my office is not enough for me to live on. So this kind of support allows us more breathing space and I can focus on my work."

"There are two benefits to the Kite Tales Fellowship. First of all, it is an income that helps me survive in these difficult times with soaring commodity prices. Another is using with your professional journalism skills and knowledge to share your personal experiences as a journalist during the coup using a different platform."

"After the coup, at a time when oppression is pervasive, I am proud to be able to use on my skills to illustrate for articles that reveal the truth and the injustice through The Kite Tales Fellowship. Thanks to this Fellowship, we not only have the opportunity to share what is happening in Myanmar with the rest of the world but I am also thankful to receive monetary support."

"Being considered a Kite Tales Fellow, I first gained self-confidence. It made me realise I would be able to continue writing as before and this has helped steady my emotional state, which was previously running out of gas. 
I can even say it is our benefactor because the grant has helped us to make ends meet at a time of great financial crisis and I am really thankful for this."


"The Kite Tales Fellowship not only gave me the opportunity to use my art but I was also able to create my own diary and express my own emotions. It makes me feel like I am supporting (the people back home) in my own way."

"I received funds from the Kite Tales Fellowship. During the post-coup period, this supported my family with emergency food and shelter while we were on the run. We were able to write about our own experiences too and provides us with a space for reporters to share our feelings and our situation. Thank you."

"Every Kite Tales Fellow is someone who has lost his or her life as a result of the coup d'état. We may be coming from different professions or lifestyles, but we are all fighting the military rule one way or another.
Before becoming a Kite Tales Fellow, I felt like I had lost faith in myself. I felt the most important parts of my life, such as my job, my family, have been destroyed. The worst thing was that I could not even talk about why they were destroyed and had to keep quiet.
When I was fortunate enough to become a Kite Tales Fellow, I was able to share my experiences in addition having an income, which is an important part of my life and something I had lost. And seeing so many people like me through this Fellowship, I realised "I'm not alone” and was able to regain hope and faith.
It would not be wrong to say The Kite Tales gave me a great opportunity in my life..."